
Showing posts from July, 2020


The church is the body of Christ, a group of travelers from earth going to heaven. This journey encounters many things and it is compared to the journey of Israelites for Egypt to Canaan. Itā€™s a journey with the miracles of God in it. It has remembrance and a history which will be ready in heaven and earth as well because God is the one who started this journey. God stared this journey when He created man at the Garden of Eden after the fall of man. Abraham was the first man to start the journey of faith. He was called the father of faith because he expected the unseen. Abraham walked with God and God told him to walk before Him and be perfect and He will bless him. God starts a journey with a person and cause that person to cause others to move with Him. Isaiah 35: 8- 10 ā€œA highway shall be there, and a road, And it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it, But it  shall be  for others. Whoever walks the road, although a foo...


1 Samuel 16: 11- 13 ā€œ And Samuel said to Jesse, ā€œAre all the young men here?ā€ Then he said, ā€œThere remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.ā€And Samuel said to Jesse, ā€œSend and bring him. For we will not  [ a ] sit down till he comes here.ā€  12  So he sent and brought him in. Now he  was  ruddy, with  [ b ] bright eyes, and good-looking. And the Lord said, ā€œArise, anoint him; for this  is  the one!ā€  13  Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah.ā€ Here there is a gesture of an authority of God. According to this scripture, something is going to happen today. After Samuel anointed David, the life of David was completely changed. Why? He did not anoint David for him to be for God but he anointed him for the responsibility. Oil means the...


Salvation is important to everyone because it carries redemption and healing. When a person accepts Jesus as Lord and Savior of his life, the essence of the pain of his heart is redeemed. The origin of the diseases is removed from him and transferred from their lineage to the lineage of Abraham who is our father of Faith. At this point, blessings must follow him. He has to admit that he no longer needs to be followed by the past because his ways are new. He needs the eyes of the spirit which is the understanding to see again. Therefore, he should no longer be on the wrong path. Salvation is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in God. It is a tool that carries redemption and healing. In salvation there is worship of the true God, Faith in the true God who made heaven and earth, Man's blessings from God, the deliverance of man from the kingdom of darkness, gifts of the Holy Spirit and gifts of God, the eternal life and many more. Swahili Translation : W...


Many people get many things from God directly or by being laid hands by the servants of God but they do not appreciate them. Ask yourself if you were the giver of those gifts and then saw that those who you give them gifts donā€™t appreciative them, how would you feel? Exam ple ; You have been given the opportunity to be a pastor and then you donā€™t value that position, what do you think does the one who gave you that opportunity sees? Likewise, deliverance and healing cannot occur in a person's life if he does not know his value. The cost of the deliverance of the children of Israel was the time of their journey from Egypt to Canaan but they did not appreciate it and died in the wilderness. So it is even now, God has saved you from the powers of darkness but because of not knowing its value, you will live without seeing the joy of your salvation. Respect what God gives you, because that's what you deserve. Don't look at your own wants based on your desires...


Most people like to do things to be celebrated by people but few of those who celebrate think about the consequences of what happened. The result of something is what determines the intention of the action whether it was good or bad. When you first weigh the consequences of your actions, that is wisdom. God looks at a person's intent to do something and not what he did. The way to stop making mistakes is to think first about the consequences of everything you want to do. When you do something without understanding it you run the risk of losing it yourself. If you do not understand something well before you do, take time to think and ask those who know so that you do not fall into remorse. Example ; When you go to the shop do not collect the product first before you know what you want to buy and its prices. Only a fool would choose a product before knowing the price. When you think before you act, it helps you not to make repeated mistakes and that is the healing o...


The way you know who you are, is how perfection starts. You cannot conquer your world if you donā€™t know the capacity or your ability. You ability, capacity and strength lies in your understanding. Your understanding gives you the victory. How you understand when the teacher teaches, is how you will score when the test comes, it is how you know and not how you attended the class. Those who hear attentively will alert their understanding. The way your ear perceives is how your understanding will be, so the way we understand who we are in Christ Jesus is how we are going to win the battle against the devil and not how we pray or fast. The way you understand and go father fasting and praying you deliver yourself. Isaiah 40: 1- 4 ā€œComfort, yes, comfort My people!ā€ Says your God. 2  ā€œSpeak  [ a ] comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her warfare is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the Lordā€™s hand Double for all her sins.ā€ 3...


Man was given possession of everything that moves, swims, crawls, and flies in the sky. Yet he has failed to manifest that in his life and the biggest problem is doing things before thinking. Only after he makes a mistake can he realize that he has made a mistake. Improper actions without considering the consequences can cause pain. If you ask the reason for their actions, they answer that they are human beings who can make mistakes even if it is a bad thing. Regardless of the type of offense or wrongdoing that he or she has committed, he or she should be able to discern that evil is simply evil, and he or she should not defend oneself but decide not to do wrong again. He or she should decide in the heart and say ā€˜I will never do it againā€™ ANNOUNCEMENT: In the name of Jesus Christ I declare victory over your enemies. Let the evil deeds set you free now and never torment you no more, Amen! Swahili Translation: Mwanadamu alipewa kumiliki kila kitu kinachotembe...


When you have understanding, and know what you are supposed to do, you will prevent all kind of destruction intended for you. One day the Lord Jesus and His disciples, as they sailed from Tiberius to the other side, fell asleep, wind and storm began to blow and the vessel was about to sink. His disciples were terrified because they did not have faith; they went to awaken the Lord Jesus and He told them; "Shut up, why do you have so little faith?" Then he rebuked the storm and it calmed down. If you do not question yourself you will not know yourself but you will live without direction and will remain in trouble; but daily self-examination allows you to follow instructions. When the prodigal son decided in his heart and know that he was lost, he decided to return to his father's house because there was plenty while he lived in misery and hopelessness. When you examine yourself you see if you have done good or bad, and the following happens: - You save y...


Genesis 3: 1 ā€œAnd I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.ā€ Everyone born of a woman has a battle between him and the evil one, but there is a promise of God which says you will bruise his head and he will bruise your heel. This means that devil can delay your journey and even cause your journey to fail but the bible says you will bruise his head meaning the thoughts of devil has no power over you and you can finish the thoughts of the enemy if you decide. Genesis 4 : 7 ā€œIf you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire  is   [ d ] for you, but you should rule over it.ā€ There is also a promise here that you have a favor to win even though sin is there and it desires you. Doing well means doing faithfully , with obedience and by offering yourself . Philippians 4 : 8 ā€œFinally, brethren, wha...


Psalm 16: 1 - 11 ā€œ Preserve [ a ]  me, O God, for in You I put my trust. 2  O my soul,  you have said to the Lord, ā€œYou  are  my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.ā€ 3  As for the saints who  are  on the earth, ā€œThey are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight.ā€ 4  Their sorrows shall be multiplied who hasten  after  another  god; Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, Nor take up their names on my lips.......ā€ The saints on earth are the one who God is pleased with. Who are they? Those who have voted to God and their ropes have fallen in His holly place, those who have a good heritage. They have set the Lord in His right hand. They have tears of joy and before who they go to, there are pleasures forever more which is His favor, gift His joy, peace, ways and when you get them you have full of joy because you are sure of tomorrow because He will reveal it to you and you w...


Blessings are for the faithful and the perfect; to satisfy their needs and not their wants. Without Blessing people perish but the blessed is satisfied with what he has, either all those who want to be satisfied with Him get their needs. He is not bankrupt and cannot be bankrupt unless God approves for his own reasons. Although no one is born perfect but it is up to the individual to be perfect. The Word says that Jesus was perfect and pleased God and men. Blessings are neither success nor money; but when a man has blessing, money comes by itself. Blessings are always good but success and money can be good or bad. When some people are successful, they live with anxiety and even seek protection because they have many enemies. His enemies may be his chief of staff, people in his workplace or business and his closest relatives. All of these can destroy what he has. For example; Samson was successful, but not blessed that is why he was destroyed easily. The blessed one does...


God has set a standard for success and prosperity. The process is in three stages where He begins to prohibit things that we should not do and what we should do and the consequences. A person who delights in the law of the Lord will succeed, prosper and be blessed because God says everything he does will prosper. He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, whose leaves never wither and bear fruit in his season without ending ( Psalm 1:2 ). Bearing fruit in his season means there is a waiting time to get fruits. Those who know God should understand that they should wait to receive from Him because they delight in His law. God told Joshua that wherever his foot shall step He has given hi m, but he should be strong and courageous. He warned h i m before because when God's people go to their blessings there are many obstacles which hinder them to be as they how they are purposed. This is not the case with people of this world because they have their own way of ...


The teachings I teach you are not for you to be dependent and bring your sick cousin for me to pray for hi m/her , I am leading many people in and out of Tanzania, how many people will I lay hands on? I AM TEACHING you so that you can pray for your brother, your neighbor and help sinners in your place to reach repentance. Many who are saved remain without doing the work of God, leaving it to the pastors and bishops, and hoping for success. Salvation is not a fashion, God has saved you for you to cause another person to be saved. SALVATION is responsibility, now why is your neighbor suffering with demons and you are not helping him/her? God works with those who love Him for good. Swahili Translation: Mafundisho ninayowafundisha si ili muwe tegemezi uniletee binamu yako mgonjwa ili nimuombee, ninaongoza watu wengi ndani na nje ya Tanzania, sasa nitawawekea mikono wangapi? NINA KUFUNDISHA ili wewe ukamwombee ndugu yako, jirani yako na uwasaidie wenye dhambi hapo ...


Whatever Evil is the Enemy of your life, fight it by using the WORD of God. When Jesus was confronted by devil He defeated him with the WORD and not by prayer or fasting; we do not fast for the devil, if you fast to defeat the enemy you will never win because you will be weak. We defeat the enemy with the WORD because the WORD is the Sword of God, it is the Armor of God. When you face the devil with the WORD you defeat him. Jesus defeated the devil by WORD and not by the laws of men. Devil is defeated by the WORD because the WORD is Light and devil is darkness. You can't defeat the devil by your profession, darkness disappears with the Light and not with guns or pills that is why the doctors said there is no cure because Corona is an enemy, it is darkness. You cannot hide fro m darkness, even if you will stay at home and close your door, darkness will penetrate. You cannot win a spiritual battle using profession. In t hese times you have to read the WORD and live it...