
Showing posts from December, 2018
IBADA YA KWANZA TAREHE 23/12/2018. MTUMISHI WA MUNGU MAMA ELIAKUNDA MWINGIRA. Huu ni Mwaka wa NGUVU na unaishia sasa, tumetembea na Mwaka huu tangu Mwezi wa Kwanza Je! NGUVU YA MUNGU ipo kwako? NGUVU ni Nini, na ni nani aliyenayo? Ni Mungu mwenyewe, Mungu ni MTAKATIFU hivyo yeyote anayeitaka NGUVU ya Mungu ni lazima awe MTAKATIFU. NGUVU ya Mungu ndiyo inayo Okoa na kumtoa mtu kutoka katika uovu, NGUVU hii inaweza Kumsamehe mtu, inakupa Kujibaini, Kujitambua na Kujua Mema na mabaya. Ni kwa kiasi gani hiyo NGUVU ya Mungu imetenda Kazi ndani yako, Inawezekana unaishia kusema tu kuwa huu ni Mwaka wa Nguvu lakini hiyo NGUVU haijatenda jambo lolote katika Maisha yako. NGUVU ya Mungu itakupa Kujua kama kuna Mabadiliko kwako au la.
IBADA YA KWANZA TAREHE 23/12/2018 EFATHA MINISTRY MWENGE MTUMISHI WA MUNGU MAMA ELIAKUNDA MWINGIRA. Faida za kuwa na Nguvu ya Mungu: 1. Inakupa kutoka mahali kwenda mahali pengine, Mahali pa UTUKUFU. 2. Inakutoa kutoka kuwa mtu wa Kawaida na kukufanya uwe Mtu MKUU. 3. Nguvu hii inakupa KUBADILIKA. 4. Nguvu hii inakufanya unakuwa Mtu wa TOBA, MNYENYEKEVU na Asiye Hesabu mabaya ya wengine. 5. Inakufanya unakuwa Mtu wa MSAMAHA, hausubiri mtu akuombe Msamaha, kwa sababu Unapomsamehe mtu aliyekukosea si kwa faida ya yule unayemsamehe bali ni kwa Faida yako mwenyewe, jifunze KUSAMEHE siyo mpaka uombwe Msamaha. Jibaini kama kweli unayo NGUVU ya Mungu? Kama ukiona kuwa haya hayapo kwako jua kuwa NGUVU ya Mungu haipo ndani yako.
IBADA YA KWANZA TAREHE 23/12/2018 EFATHA MINISTRY MWENGE MTUMISHI WA MUNGU MAMA ELIAKUNDA MWINGIRA. Yupo adui anayeifanya NGUVU ya Mungu isikae Ndani yako.        ā€¢ Ni TABIA ya mtu husika, Tabia yako inaweza kukimbiza NGUVU ya Mungu Ndani yako, kama Tabia yako haijabadilika; tabia ya kiburi, kujiinua na kutokutaka kubadilika, tabia hzii ni adui mkubwa wa NGUVU ya Mungu.       ā€¢ Kiburi, hasira ni maadui wakubwa wa NGUVU ya Mungu.       ā€¢ Chuki, hii ni tabia ambayo inafanya NGUVU ya Mungu isikae ndani yako.       ā€¢ Masengenyo; tumefika mahali Watakatifu tumezoea tabia hii ya masengenyo, imewabana sana Watakatifu wa Mungu hata kupelekea NGUVU ya Mungu kutokukaa kwao. Kama kweli wewe ni Mwana wa Mungu na unapenda kutunza NGUVU ya Mungu ndani yako epuka Masengenyo, ukiona mwenzako amekosea mwite na umuonye lakini usimseme pembeni maana haitamsaidia.      ā€¢ Uongo, magomvi, manungā€™uniko na tamaa mbaya ni adui...
IBADA YA KWANZA TAREHE 23/12/2018 EFATHA MINISTRY MWENGE. MTUMISHI WA MUNGU MAMA ELIAKUNDA MWINGIRA. JINSI YA KUTUNZA NGUVU YA MUNGU KWA WATAKATIFU;       ā€¢ Yakobo 1:22-23 ā€œLakini iweni watendaji wa neno, wala si wasikiaji tu, hali mkijidanganya nafsi zenu. Kwa sababu mtu akiwa ni msikiaji wa neno tu, wala si mtendaji, mtu huyo ni kama mtu anayejiangalia uso wake katika kioo.ā€ Ili uweze kutunza Nguvu ya Mungu kwako ni lazima uwe Msomaji wa NENO la Mungu na utende sawa sawa na NENO linavyosema.       ā€¢ Ondoa HASIRA kifuani mwako ili uweze kutenda haki ya Mungu, Yakobo 1:20 ā€œkwa maana hasira ya mwanadamu haiitendi haki ya Mungu.ā€ ukiwa na hasira hautaweza kufanya haki ya Mungu.       ā€¢ Ondoa MASHAKA ndani yako maana mwenye mashaka hajakamilika, Yakobo 1:6-8 ā€œIla na aombe kwa imani, pasipo shaka yo yote; maana mwenye shaka ni kama wimbi la bahari lililochukuliwa na upepo, na kupeperushwa huku na huku......ā€ Unapokuwa na Mashaka katika ja...
IBADA YA KWANZA TAREHE 23/12/2018 EFATHA MINISTRY MWENGE. MTUMISHI WA MUNGU MAMA ELIAKUNDA MWINGIRA. HATARI YA TAMAA MBAYA. Yakobo 1:15 ā€œHalafu ile tamaa ikiisha kuchukua mimba huzaa dhambi, na ile dhambi ikiisha kukomaa huzaa mauti.ā€ Kuna tamaa mbaya na tamaa nzuri, mfano wa tamaa nzuri ni kama ukiona mwenzako ana mtumikia Mungu unasema na mimi natamani kuwa kama yeye, au unapoona mwenzako amefanikiwa unasema natamani kufanikiwa kama yeye hivyo unaongeza bidii katika utendaji wako na kuwa na shauku na kufika pale alipofika na siku moja utafika. Lakini tamaa mbaya inakuvuta kufanya mabaya na kuziendea njia za mauti. Ukiona mwenzako amenunua gari zuri unatamani kuliharibu ili mfanane, au ukiona mwenzako amefanikiwa unapeleka habari mbaya ili kumharibia, tamaa mbaya inaambatana na wivu. Unaona watu wamefanikiwa na hujui wamepataje hayo mafanikio kwa sababu ya tamaa mbaya wanakushawishi kwenda kwa waganga ili ufanikiwe na unaishia kuangamia. Tamaa mbaya itakuondolea nguvu ya Mungu...
Whatsoever that you are going through within your Life, it is not that God is not aware about it! HE is so aware about it, sometimes HE allows it to happen unto you no matter how hard it is, so that you may be able to reach where you are SUPPOSED to be. If you want to cross from one point to another, there must be Tests, and possibly what you are going through is a Test to qualify you; but you are complaining against God? Have you gone through something to the extent that you said that God is not there? If you reach that point, recognize that you have failed the Test given unto you. This does not mean that once you face hardship within your Life, that God is not there! You must know that there is nothing that happens in this world which God is not aware about. HE knows that, may be through what you have gone through is that you may be able to stand straight. If there is hardship that you are going through, it is there to take you to higher levels of Faith; do not procrastinate ...
There are people who after they are saved, they want to get everything on the spot, they want to be recognized in that same year; remember that, if God brings them very early, you will forget Him, since the things will confuse you to the extent that you will forget Him because of things. If you get everything while you are young in faith, you will do things in arrogance and you will forget where you came from, but once you wait before the Lord; God will give you permanent things and not those that pass by because He will send His protection upon you and He will go ahead of you everywhere, so that whatever is against you may meet with His POWER. Always desire to learn and settle before God so that you may be better each day, even when you get God's blessings, they will not confuse you because you are already firm; you know where God took you from, where you are and where you are heading to.    :- Servant of GOD Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY...
Whatsoever that you are going through within your Life, it is not that God is not aware about it! HE is so aware about it, sometimes HE allows it to happen unto you no matter how hard it is, so that you may be able to reach where you are SUPPOSED to be. If you want to cross from one point to another, there must be Tests, and possibly what you are going through is a Test to qualify you; but you are complaining against God? Have you gone through something to the extent that you said that God is not there? If you reach that point, recognize that you have failed the Test given unto you. This does not mean that once you face hardship within your Life, that God is not there! You must know that there is nothing that happens in this world which God is not aware about. HE knows that may be through what you have gone through is that you may be able to stand straight. If there is hardship that you are going through, it is there to take you to higher levels of Faith; do not procrastinate you...
Psalms 89:26 "He shall cry unto me, Thou art my FATHER, my GOD, and the ROCK of my salvation." # Translation Zaburi 89: 26 ā€˜ā€™Yeye ataniita, Wewe BABA yangu, MUNGU wangu na MWAMBA wa wokovu wanguā€™ā€™
EYES: The EYES are what reveal the LOVE of God that is within you, because it is in LOVE alone that there is FULLNESS of God. The LOVE of God is in your sight; what do you see? You will never succeed in your Life if your EYES are not in LOVE; once your Eyes don't enter in the LOVE of God, they will carry you and take you to sin and cause you to do what annoy GOD. So, the LOVE of God is essential to you, because once you have the LOVE of God it is easy to see what is of GOD. :- Servant of GOD Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY. # Translation MACHO: Macho ndiyo yanathibitisha PENDO la Mungu ndani yako, maana ni katika PENDO tu ndiyo kuna UKAMILIFU wa Mungu, Pendo la Mungu lipo katika KUONA kwako, unaona nini wewe? Hutokaa ufanikiwe katika Maisha yako kama MACHO yako hayapo katika PENDO, Macho yasipoingia katika PENDO la Mungu yatakubeba na kukupeleka katika dhambi, nakusababisha ufanye yale yasiyompendeza MUNGU. Kwahiyo Pendo la Mungu ni mu...
If you are poor, this means that your friend is the devil because the Bible says that, "The Heavens and the Earth belong to the Lord, and all that dwell in it." So if God who is your FATHER is the Owner of everything and you are poor; this means that there is something between you and your Father in Heaven and that is why you are the way you are. Normally if a mother gives birth to a child and the child does not resemble with the father, how shall people say? They will say that the child doesn't belong to the father. So are you the son or daughter of God? If it is true that you are the son and daughter of God and you are born again; you resemble God in CHRIST JESUS, you will never have lack because you are OWNER of the Heavens and the Earth together with your FATHER in Heaven. All that shall come to pass if you shall dwell in HOLINESS. Ā© Servant of GOD Apostle & Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY. # Translation Kama wewe ni maskini basi rafik...
Honor is worked for." What you do is what will differentiate you from others. All the great people have reached where they are today because of what they are doing or what they did. Ā© Apostle & Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira- EFATHA MINISTRY.
In order for you to reach your DREAMS and VISIONS, you are supposed to write your Dream and Vision at the tablet of your HEART, by praying towards them so that they may stay within you and that you may believe that it shall be so. PROCLAIM a word that relates to what you believe at your Dream. Create and see the image of what you want to happen through FAITH so as to cause what you are thinking to be Manifested before your eyes. Relate your Dream with the WORD of God by looking at which WORD corresponds with it. That is how Dreams and Visions are fulfilled. :- Servant of GOD Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira -EFATHA MINISTRY. # Translation Ili uweze kufikia Ndoto na Maono yako, unatakiwa uandike Maono na Ndoto yako katika kibao cha MOYO wako kwa kufanya Maombi ili yakae ndani yako na kufikia hatua ya Kuamini kuwa itakuwa. Tamka neno linaloendana na kile unachoamini katika Ndoto yako. Umba na uone Picha ya unachotaka kitokee kwa Imani ili kusababisha unachowaza kudhih...
WHY DO MARRIAGES BREAKUP? It is because, people have lacked the Knowledge and Understanding concerning marriage; before people entered into marriage, they did not learn about marriage. All the professionals that we see here on earth (doctors, engineers, and so more.........) have learnt a lot about those professions. The same is with marriage, "the Knowledge about marriage before entering into marriage, is what builds a strong marriage." #SEEK_KNOWLEDGE  CONCERNING MARRIAGE, THE PURPOSE OF MARRIAGE, AND WHY DID GOD PUT MARRIAGE. In seeking the Knowledge about MARRIAGE; do not take Knowledge from someone who has not been married or a person who has failed in marriage. Proverbs 9:6 "Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding." The married couples need to go to the Founder of the Government of marriage who is GOD, so as to know why God put marriage. - GOD is the Founder of marriage, and HE shows the position and role of each one; m...
You who belongs to God, reach a point and refuse to stay in the things that torture you, seek to meet your day at any price. List the things that torment you so that you may reach towards the decision that will change your life, and that you may return towards your Glory and understand that; God gives Joy to thee that HE has accepted but the sinner is given travail so that he/she may gather and give to that whom God has accepted. Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 "There is nothing better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labour. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God. For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I? For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight Wisdom, and Knowledge, and Joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God."    :- Servant of GOD Apostle & Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY. # Tr...
God will not allow your healing if within you there is no LOVE. If you don't have the LOVE of God, you will not be able to receive from God. God is Spirit, so if you have received the LOVE of God, this means that the Spirit of God is with you. Wherever you will go, people shall receive you because you have carried the LOVE of God; the LOVE of God can work or perform through your eyes, this means that whatever you shall see, it will see you as well. FAITH will always be built within a person who has the LOVE of God and once it is built within him/her, he/she will see God lifting him/her day by day because the LOVE of God is within him/her.    :- Servant of GOD Apostle & Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY. # Translation Mungu hata ruhusu uponyaji kwako kama ndani yako hakuna upendo, kama huna pendo la Mungu hutaweza kupokea kutoka kwa Mungu, Mungu ni Roho kwa hiyo kama umepokea pendo la Mungu, maana yake Roho wa Mungu yupo pamoja nawe. Kokote utak...