
Showing posts from April, 2020


Child of God, it is the Word that will set you free, there is no place He has said He will send miracles to heal us but He says He will send His word to heal us. People love miracles but they don’t want to work on the word of God. The bible says seek the Lord as long as He is found, it does not say seek miracles.   When you seek the Lord you will find miracles but when you seek miracles the devil has a lot to trap you.   Romans 1:28 " And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind and to things that should not be done ." Seek God because if you find Him you will find all that He has. It is like a woman, a woman does not marry for her husband to buy her car and clothes, but she marries to live with her husband and him be for her and then she will enjoy all that is his husband’s. Let everyone who is saved know his or her place and let no one take that opportunity by humiliating you and see you worthless, you are pre...


Psalm 119:9 “How can young people keep their way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” When you are young it is time for you to express yourself, this is a very important time do not waste your youth. If you are under 30 please change your ways. People do not clean their ways and there is so m uch dirtiness. You find a person praising Hallelujah God is good but honestly when you look at the m their ways are full of waste   and they run to church to hide themselves; Stupid! Keep yourself pure so that when the Lord comes to meet His people He may reward you, stop pretending to be holy but be HOLY. Stop living a life of drama, when you do so you will never be as truthful or as God wants you to be, you will end up saying I'm blessed while you are not. WHEN YOU LIVE A LIFE OF PLEASING GOD, HE WILL STRAIGHTEN YOUR WAY AND YOU WILL SEE STRAIGHT THINGS. Swahili Translation : Zaburi 119:9 “ Jinsi gani kijana aisafishe njia yake? Kwa kutii, akilifuat...


Make God to be everything in your life and don't give challenges a chance because the God you have is bigger than those challenges. Sometimes challenges become too much for you and you don't even know what to do,  it gets to the point where you are discouraged because you can't see the way out; My child, do not look at those challenges which will disappear as there are no lasting challenges but only temporary ones, IT IS ONLY GOD WHO LAST FOREVER look at Him and allow Him to be with you all the time and put your hope in Him and surely He will bring you safely. Psalm 121:1-3 “I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come? 2  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. 3  He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.” Swahili Translation : Mfanye Mungu awe kila kitu katika maisha yako wala usizipe nafasi changamoto maana Mungu uliyenaye ni mkubwa kuliko hizo changamoto. Wakati mwingine c...


Don’t look at your problem but look at Him who created you because He has the answer to your questions. May be you are suffering from a certain disease and doctors have failed, and you look at that disease thinking that it is bigger than anything, no! There is nothing bigger than our father our heavenly Father, look at Him because He has your healing. Psalm 123:1- 3 “ To you I lift up my eyes, O you who are enthroned in the heavens! 2  As the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, until he has mercy upon us 3  Have mercy upon us, O Lord, have mercy upon us, for we have had more than enough of contempt.” Let’s continue to lift our eyes to the Lord who is the source of our life, in day and night we will look at Him. Lift your eyes to the Lord until when you receive His mercies; don’t look at your problem or what you are going through but look unto God...


2 Chronicles 20 :14-15   “Then the spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, in the middle of the assembly.  15  He said, “Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the Lord to you: ‘Do not fear or be dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle is not yours but God’s.” Once we accept Jesus through His death, we shall also be alive. When we obey the word we receive healing. The nation of Israel became righteous before God because of Abraham when he obeyed the word of God and leaves his land when God told him to leave. In Efatha we also speak about someone who obeyed the word of God to prepare the church ready for the rupture and walk all over Tanzania and handover the country to Him. For that reason God is the one who have allowed Tanzania to be in peace. When you listen and obey what the Holy Spirit spe...


Time management is what distinguishes the successful and unsuccessful people because God goes by season and time. The children of God are required to redeem time in order to attain lasting prosperity. Godly wisdom enables a person to use time well to create better things for his future and eliminate foolishness and traps that bring regret and pain; then his days shall be many and excellent. The Bible emphasizes this by saying walk as wise men, redeeming time because there is no extra time. Ephesians 5:15-16 “Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise,  16  making the most of the time, because the days are evil.” If a man is able to use his time well he has decided to follow God. Foolishness hinders prosperity because it offends God and he becomes your first enemy, but with the help of Divine Wisdom, man is guided to be careful how to plan and do his things to please God in order to always bring good results. Swahili Translatio...


There is no power greater than the POWER of JESUS​' name because God gave him a name that is greater than every name and mightier than any other name. Philippians 2:9-11 “ Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, 10  so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11  and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” To Jesus there is no other name above His name, anything you have today id under the name of Jesus, whether it is poverty or any disease as long as it has a name then it is under the name of Jesus. Call upon the name of Jesus in anything that troubles you because the name of Jesus is above all names and can do great things in your life. Swahili Translation: Hakuna nguvu inayozidi au iliyo juu ya NGUVU ya JINA la YESU kwa maana Mungu alimkirimia JINA lipitalo kila jina na lililo na NGUVU kuliko majina yote....


In a community of believers there are three groups of people: Believers Followers Disciples Are you a believer, follower or a disciple? Don’t live in salvation without knowing which group you are. God does not deal with fans in His Kingdom. Who are the fans? It is those who go around churches in search of miracles. When Jesus' disciples returned to Jesus with joy, Jesus asked them why are you happy? They told him today the lame have walked, the demons have fled and people have been healed. Jesus said to them, "Do not rejoice because the demons are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven." Your name will be written in heaven when you will move from being a fan to a point of believing, that means everything you do is similar to a believe r. How will you know a believer? The Bible says all is possible to the one who believes, meaning that nothing prevails through his faith. Are you a believer? If you are, what have you d...


The Spirit of the Lord is there to give you peace, whenever you are in a challenging environment He tells you not to be afraid, I am with you. As Peter was preaching they arrested him and put him in jail and when he was there he just slept neither troubling himself nor praying because he had peace. In reality a person cannot sleep without peace, many people who are not at peace don’t sleep and that is why they are suffering from diseases. Diabetes, hypertension and gastrointestinal ulcers are the results of lack of peace whether you accept or reject it, the day a person with these illnesses experiences peace, the illnesses disappears. Peace is the key to success, if you have no peace you cannot succeed Peace will separate from your enemies   Peace will give you good health, if you are not at peace your health will be in crisis   Once you receive this Peace your success is sure you will never worry The Prince of Peace is Jesus only, if you want to have Pea...


When we say that your enemy is God’s enemy we know the enemy of God is satan since the time he brought destruction at the garden of Eden, and cursed by God.   For that curse, devil is looking for all ways to be cursed together with many people for he knows he has no opportunity to repent. We on earth we have been given one secret to declare the glory of God and as our God lives we should live like Him by honoring Him and His glory. The glory of God is His holiness and honor, He wants us to honor Him first before anyone and when we honor Him it will be His glory to honor other people. The glory of God is like a mirror for you to see yourself if you are doing right or not. When the glory of God went to Isaiah he saw himself as a dirty person with evil tongue. The time has come when God will start showing His people what He wants us to understand and do and you will start seeing the difference from your previous life. Our God is impartial, at His right time He will sho...


Isaiah 41:10 “ Do not fear, for I am with you, not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” GOD IS WITH YOU always. Don’t see t he mountain standing before you is greater than your God, don’t see your sickness or the challenge you are going through is bigger than your God. You need to know that YOUR GOD IS BIGGER than the mountain, disease or any challenge before you GOD'S POWER is ABLE to destroy every obstacle or mountain that troubles you but the question is do you believe? Your unwavering faith which is unshakable is the one that will ensure you a VICTORY but if you allow fear it will lead you into DESTRUCTION. BELIEVE GOD AND LET HIM BE EVERYTHING IN YOUR LIFE AND HE WILL BE YOUR VICTORY. Swahili Translation:  USIOGOPE MUNGU YUPO NA WEWE Isaya 41:10 “ Usiogope, kwa maana MIMI NI PAMOJA NAWE; usifadhaike, kwa maana mimi ni Mungu wako; nitakutia NGUVU, naam, NIT...


Ecclesiastes 3:1 “ For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven ” As children of God, it’s not our job to provide for our needs but our Heavenly Father’s work who owns everything and knows the season and time for every purpose under heaven. God did not create us to be anxious but He created everything we need and put them in the world. If you abide in God diligently, your eyes will see. Know that there is a place God has prepared for you. Have you seen it? You need the Word of God for your eyes to be opened because the man who loves God, God speaks to him in dreams but to His prophets, He speaks to them openly. So go with His prophets, for God gives them his secrets. Amos 3:7 “ Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.” God has prepared people to help keep your eyes open through sermons, teachings they offer and books they have written, so be a person who loves to read th...


The way to overcome the world and your environment is to have positive thoughts which show that it is possible, it will be done, it is certain because there is someone who empowers you; So get rid of doubts. Positive thinkers prosper, no matter whether they are saved or not! Negative thoughts come from the bondage of the imagination, where one accepts things opposite to the world from what he received. Example: A person who thinks he is inadequate, a failure, weak and has problems that is the way he is in his normal life and all this is confirmed in his daily routine. Strive to increase your faith in Christ to help you change the thinking that leads to living deeds. Mathew 9:29 " Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you." Swahili Translation: NJIA YA KUSHINDA ULIMWENGU NA MAZINGIRA YAKO Njia ya kushinda ulimwengu na mazingira yako ni kuwa na mawazo chanya ambayo yanaonyesha kuwa inawezekana, itakuwa, ...


The gift is what made you there, God put it in you for you to do His will. Example: When someone is building a house it is because they have a job with it, the same is the case with God, when He created you it’s because He has a job with you, He did not bring you to earth to enjoy, eat, drink and bear children only! But He created you to do His work here on earth. You were created in Him and that is why you must be IN Him for you to be able to see the gifts He has created in you working. You will never see the gifts working when you are out of Him. God created you to have something to do that demonstrates the presence of HIM who created you. He created you for a certain work and that's why He put the Gift in you. That Gift gives you a life of contentment. Your life will never be self-sufficient until the Gift of God begins to be seen or work in you. When the Gift that is within you begins its work is where CONTENTMENT begins to appear in your life. You will move...


You who have confessed the Lord Jesus to be Lord and saviour of your life (SAVED) learn how to take care and guide your MOUTH, learn to SPEAK GOOD to yourself and others. You may be fasting and praying a lot but nothing is happening in your life and you wonder why? The main reason is yourself, you have always been thinking and speaking failure to yourself, now where do you expect the victory to come from? You should know that your mouth has the power to create so be very careful with your words. Always speak VICTORY to yourself even if you don’t see it in your mind   just speak VICTORY and when God sees it, He will command HELP from above to help you reach victory; but if you speak failure to yourself even if there was help from above it will not reach you and you will end up failing. Proverb 18:21 “ Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Swahili Translation: KUSHINDA AU KUSHINDWA KUPO KATIKA UWEZO WAKO. ...


As a leader, there are so many angels surrounding you, looking at you. Why looking at you? They want to be happy with you, but if you act foolishly they are there to punish you. You as a leader to whom God has given you the responsibility of leading His people make sure you do what is right, don’t wait to be pushed of praised. I have never seen in the Bible God using a man who waits to be praised, He would rather use a wicked one than one who thinks himself to be better than others. Leader, don't wait for people to praise you for you to do the work of God, if you have that behaviour get angry with yourself and decide to take steps to change the situation in your leadership. Correct yourself so you can do what is right and God may be pleased with you. Swahili Translation: KIONGOZI BORA. Wewe kama Kiongozi, wako Malaika wengi wamekuzunguka wakikutazama, kwa nini wanakutazama? Wanataka kukufurahia lakini ukitenda kwa upumbavu wapo ili kukuadhibu. Wew...


In marriage there is the perfection of creation that is why GOD said “let’s make a man in our image and likeness” then you realize that when someone gets married it is not the plan of the couple but it is the plan of God Himself for Him to establish His perfection in order to fulfill his plans. Now remember that a man becomes complete when married. It is the day that Adam found his wife, when GOD began to visit them and bless them so that they could bear children. Also judgment on the fall of man was declared by GOD on marriage, and even the first miracle performed by Jesus on earth was at the wedding in Can of Galilee. The first forgiveness for the fall of man was declared by GOD in marriage. Even Jesus was born as a man when Virgin Mary became pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit when she was with Joseph as her husband because God wanted Jesus to be born and raised in marriage. Children born by parents who stays together becomes better because in marriage is where...


Nothing happens in this world without a special purpose, so when God created marriage He had a special purpose. The purpose of marriage is not limited to the act of marriage, likewise the help that God has said is not a woman to be weak or a slave to her Husband. The concepts of inferiority have caused many couples to fail to reflect further on GOD's plans for the purpose, position and role of husband and wife in marriage. Every couple should understand that marriage is important and very good so if marriage will be managed well, blessings, love, happiness and well-being will be seen, this is because in marriage there is fullness of GOD’s creation. Genesis 2:18 “ Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” There are so many challenges in marriage that can cause so much pain and even death if couples will not have an understanding on how to deal with them. The important thing to consider is ...


Genesis 2: 21-22 “So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22  And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man.” When God created Adam He realised that he was not perfect and that is why He decided to made a woman for a man to be perfect. When a man is alone it means he is not perfect. Genesis 2:18 “Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.” When God realised something is not good in His creation, He decided to correct the mistake by creating a woman. God created a woman to clear the problem. Woman, you are here on earth to perfect what God wanted to accomplish in His creation, therefore live according to God’s purpose for your creation so that you can bring HEALING and PROSPERITY in your family. Woman, you need ...


Genesis 1:28 “ God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth .” God loved a man from the beginning, and His first promise to a man was the blessing. When you are poor while you are saved, it is an indication that you are closer to the devil than God who blesses. The word says “Be blessed and not be poor” and again “ have dominion over every living thing”, it means you have control over everything. To God there is no poor, what troubles most saints is their failure to recognize the privileges they have been given in the Kingdom of God. There are people who have been saved for many years but their lives are scarce even the devil wonders, while in God there is plenty. Find out who you are with your Heavenly Father so you can own what He has purposed for you here on earth. With God ther...

SHOWING UP- Continuation

Acting upon by faith Philippians 3: 13- 16 “   Beloved, [ a ]  I do not consider that I have made it my own; [ b ]  but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead,  14  I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly [ c ]  call of God in Christ Jesus.  15  Let those of us then who are mature be of the same mind; and if you think differently about anything, this too God will reveal to you.  16  Only let us hold fast to what we have attained.” You should understand where you have reached in spiritual life. The council of God says, where you have reached, go forward.  Make sure you have put a mark where you have reached, are you drinking milk, eating meat, born or honey, are you swimming or drinking water? How do you show yourself? Do the word by understanding which level are you in Do the advancement towards your hope and glory in Christ Jesus. Your hope...


In this we will study and learn on the following Growing in Christ Jesus Acting upon Stopping dying Growing up in Christ Jesus 1 Peter 2:2 “Like newborn infants, long for the pure, spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow into salvation” There are three areas in growing up you have to discern yourself You have to know you are a new baby You must desire the milk of the word (How to discern the word) You must grow hereby in salvation You should know which word is called pure milk, which word is meat, which word is borne, which word is honey, which word is water, which word is bread, which word is fire, which word is light, which word is a hummer and which word is a sword. When you are born again you have to discern and understand which word is of which level. You should know yourself in which stage of the word you are and which title has given you the power to act upon. You will know the stage you are by seeing the results of the word you are using. ...