There is no power above or greater than the POWER of JESUS 'NAME, God bestowed on Jesus the Name that is above every name and that is MIGHTY than all other names Philippians 2:9 “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name” For Jesus there is no name above Him, whatever you have today with a name is under the Name of Jesus, whether it be poverty or any disease as long as it has a name then it is under the Name of Jesus. Call the Name of JESUS because it can do great things in your life. Swahili Translation: Hakuna nguvu inayozidi au iliyo juu ya NGUVU ya JINA la YESU, Mungu alimkirimia Yesu Jina lipitalo kila jina na lililo na NGUVU kuliko majina yote. Wafilipi 2:9 “Kwa hiyo tena Mungu alimwadhimisha mno, akamkirimia jina lile lipitalo kila jina;” Kwa Yesu hakuna jina lililo juu yake, chochote ulichonacho leo chenye jina kipo chini ya Jina la Yesu, iwe ni umaskini au ugonjwa wowote ule maadam una jina basi...