To worship is how you give your life for others so that they may be healed. To worship is how you show yourself that you are for God. God wants to use you and make you his own so that people can be healed through you. Show yourself that you are the Holy One of God and turn away from evil things. To worship is to submit yourself before God. You cannot be submissive and self-sacrificing if you cannot control yourself or you are foolish in your mind. A person who is proud and arrogant cannot be submissive, which is why he is possessed by hell. You need to get to the point where everything is submissive to you including money, people and all kinds of wealth, so learn to submit yourself in order to get that. In order to worship God fully, the Spirit of the Lord must be in you. Tell the Lord thank you for this Spirit who brings worship in you and give you the willingness to love God, to honor Him and to serve God voluntarily. Swahili Translation : Kuabudu ni jinsi unavyotoa m...