WITHOUT LOVE YOU CANNOT SEE THE GOODNESS OF ANOTHER PERSON When you are outside LOVE the only thing you will see is another person’s evil. Genesis 1:31 “God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning, the sixth day” • When GOD created He saw everything was good, it includes snakes, mosquitoes, scorpion and everything. He did not say it was bad but good. • But after sin in “Genesis 3:22” is when we started seeing evil. But despite that evil, still a person has the image and likeness of GOD. A human was created to be like GOD, this means that anything you do, you know if it is good or evil. - What GOD loves you have also been given to love, what GOD hates you have also been given to hate. - Before SIN the person never had understanding of good and evil, but after sin from that day a person knows good and bad. ©Servant of GOD Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY. (Swahili) PASIPO PENDO HUWE...