Luke 4: 1-4 “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he was a state of affairs; even when they were fulfilled, he was hungry. And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. And Jesus answered unto him saying, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. But with every word from the Lord”

"And Jesus, full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan," Why Jordan? In the place where he was baptized, what happens when you get baptized? When you are filled with the Holy Spirit after your baptism or repentance you will be led by the Holy Spirit whether you want or not and He will deliver you there, why? Because from then on you have made the decision that it is not you anymore but you are with Him.

Holy Spirit does not come to you because you are so beautiful! But he will come to you because of the decisions you have made for Him. So you have to understand if you have made a decision the Holy Spirit will be with you.

You will defeat the devil by the Word but if you do not know the Word the devil will overcome you easily. Whatever situation you are facing there is a Word already there for it so in order to get out of that situation you have to know the Word. Yes you need bread but don't prefer bread but make sure you have the Word.

John 1: 1-5 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made..."

Without the Word of God in your life there is nothing you can do because the devil will have the power to overcome you but if you live according to the Word you will be stronger than the devil.

The Word which is God became flesh, this means that when you have the Word in your mind, mouth and in your heart, make sure you pronounce the Word that your Mind understands it and make sure you trust that Word in your heart. It is very easy to be a miracle worker if you have Jesus in your mind, in your heart and in your mouth, that is what you believe is what you know and what you say. You don't have to invite people to pray for God to hear you but you have to agree with your mind so that you can pray and God to hear your prayers.

Romans 1:28 “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"

It is not because of sin you have committed! But it is because of your evil mind, if God forsakes you, you get into perdition but if He does not forsake you even if you sin He will change you. David committed many sins but he was forgiven because he did not forsake God but Saul because he left God and God forsake him. If you sin, do not run away but draw near to God so that he may change you.

Anything you agree with from your heart and mind and utter it with your mouth the devil will not stop nor will God stop you. If you can combine the desire of your heart and keep it in mind and speak it, there is nothing to stop you. When you desire in your heart and accept it in your mind and utter it, your voice will be like the voice of God and your finger will be God's finger and your feet will be God's feet so nothing will stop you from getting where you are intended.

The reason why you don’t have money is because what you speak is different from your mind, your heart and your mouth. As the bible says, "If two or three agree then I will be with them." So your heart, mind and mouth should be in uniform.

  • If your Heart and your Mouth agree, you get everything from God, but you won't get the things of the world.
  • If your Mind and your Mouth agree then you have the worldly things.

What you believe is what you should say. Believe in the heart and say with your mouth you will get the Godly things. If you want the things that the world has to offer, let your Mind and Mouth agree. If you want to get both; Earthly and Heavenly things, Combine your Mind, Heart and Mouth.

For money to stay with you, you must be familiar with arithmetic. The day you understand addition before expenses then you are rich. For you to be rich your mind must be rich first. If your mind is poor then you are poor. You cannot be rich if you are a consumer. You become rich if you are producer.

Make sure the Word of God dwells in your Mind, your Heart and your Mouth.

 By Servant of God Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, Efatha Church.  
