Luke 10: 19 “Behold, I
give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the
power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Jeremiah 33:3 “Call
to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and [a]mighty things, which you do not know.”
God has given permission to call Him so that He can show you great things
because He says He is the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for Him?
Who should we call? It is the Spirit of Mighty, who waits to be called
when something happen and when you call Him, He will come to remove your sufferings
and pain and do amazing things on earth. There are things the Lord Jesus knows
that they may happen to you and when they happen to you, call Him and don’t be
afraid for there is a helper. He has given you authority to deal with serpents
and scorpions because you have that power of salvation so you need to believe
and confess.
You have been give keys; show your skills and power for you to get the
victory. When they come with their power, go to them with the power of God.
Peter and John were asked, by whose power you do these things because
their acts astonish them. You need power to overcome witchcraft. Moses dealt
with Pharaoh by the power of Mighty for when he threw his rod the witches also
threw theirs and the snakes of Pharaoh were eaten by the snake of Moses
Therefore in your secret pain, seek the Spirit of Might for Him to give
you endurance. Example: You can understand lessons in class, but when you go to
exams you get confused, at this point seek the power of Might.
Swahili Translation:
Luka 10: 19 “Tazama, nimewapa amri ya kukanyaga nyoka na nge, na nguvu
zote za yule adui, wala hakuna kitu kitakachowadhuru.”
Yeremia 33:3 “Niite, nami nitakuitikia, nami nitakuonyesha mambo makubwa,
magumu usiyoyajua”
Mungu ametoa kibali cha kumwita ili akuonyeshe mambo makubwa. Maana
anasema, Yeye ni Mungu wa wote wenye mwili kuna jambo lolote asiloweza.
Ni nani anasema tu mwite? Ni Roho wa Uweza, ambaye anasubiri aitwe jambo
linapotokea na ukishamwita anakuja kukuondolea mateso na maumivu yako na
kufanya mambo ya kushangaza ulimwenguni. Kuna mambo ambayo Bwana Yesu anajua
yanaweza kukutokea na yanapokutokea mwite; usiogope, yupo msaidizi. Amekupa
mamlaka ya kushughulikia nyoka na ng’e, maana unayo ile nguvu ya wokovu hivyo
unahitaji kuamini na kukiri.
Umekabidhiwa funguo, unesha ujuzi na nguvu zako ili upate ushindi. Wakija
na nguvu zao, waendee kwa nguvu za Mungu.
Petro na Yohana wakaulizwa, kwa nguvu gani na mamlaka gani wanafanya hayo
kwa kuwa matendo yao yaliwashangaza. Unahitaji nguvu kushinda uchawi uliopo. Musa
alipambana na Farao kwa nguvu ya Uweza maana alipotupa fimbo yake na wachawi
wake nao walitupa fimbo zao. Ndipo nyoka wa Farao akamezwa na Yule wa Musa.
Kwa hiyo katika maumivu yako siri ni kumtafuta Roho wa Uweza ili akupe
kustahimili. Mfano: Unaweza ukaelewa masomo darasani, lakini unapofika kwenye
mitihani unachanganyikiwa, hapa tafuta nguvu ya Uweza.
By Servant of God Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, Efatha Church.
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