Exodus 18:1-27 “Jethro, the priest of Midian, Moses’ father-in-law, heard of all that God had done for Moses and for his people Israel, how the Lord had brought Israel out of Egypt. After Moses had sent away his wife Zipporah, his father-in-law Jethro took her back... Then Moses told his father-in-law all that the Lord had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel’s sake, all the hardship that had beset them on the way, and how the Lord had delivered them. Jethro rejoiced for all the good that the Lord had done to Israel, in delivering them from the Egyptians......”

In this chapter we learn about Moses, his wife, his children and his father in law. We see that Moses returned his wife and children to his father in law because the Israelites would not have believed him because his wife was not a Hebrew.

Moses wanted first to work on what God sent him to do to get the Israelites out of Egypt that is why he took his family back to his in law. In this we learn that you should not carry burdens if you want to come out, but focus first on coming out and there will come a time when you will be able to handle the burdens. Many people don’t get out of poverty from generation to generation because they carry a lot of burden which pull them back. Struggle until when you come out and then you will pull others up step by step. When you start helping your relatives, if you are a man start first with your in laws before helping yours, and when God sees that He will make you prosper because you care for others first and you fit to be trusted.

Second we learn that your family safety is more important than your safety that is why Moses sent back his wife and children. Moses new that there might be some risks for his family in the battle to bring the Israelites out of Egypt and he never wanted them to be at risk. Safety of your family is important when you want to come out.

Third we learn that Moses left behind his family because he never wanted to let his family go through his pain while taking the Israelites out. We also should not let our families be victims of our work because God don’t want you to let your children go through your pain. If you are a guest to someone’s house, don’t accept children to be moved out of their rooms because of you. Bare your own troubles and don’t cast it to another person. Don’t live a fake life; accept your reality and God will help you get out.

From the second chapter and this chapter we learn the name of Moses’ in law was not Jethro but Reuel. We see Jethros’ title as a priest started to be seen when He offered a sacrifice after hearing from Moses what God did. This shows that this man was a person who worships God with fatherhood position because Jethro knew what to do for God. From this we learn that Moses learned fatherhood from his father in law and so it was God’s plan for Moses to marry the daughter of this priest to learn from him. Be cautious to know what kind of family you marry because who you marry will never be different from his father.  

We also learn that when you hear a good thing that has been done to your family members you should be thankful and give offering to God. Rejoice on the goods of your people and give thanks to God for doing them good.  

It is also good to recognize the service of another person that is why Moses and the elders of Israel sat together with the Midian priest and eat together with him because he was also serving the true God. We should also recognize services of other churches also.

From verse 13 we learn about service when Moses’ father in law looked at how Moses was leading the Israelites and because he was a well experienced in leading people, he knew there was a problem. The responsibility of other people in a service is to look and see what and where there is a problem and bring solutions.

Know that age helps in building true wisdom that is why Moses’ father in law was wise enough to see the destruction around Moses because of people’s problems. You need wisdom to discern how you do God’s work better because you may destroy yourself because of the burden. Servants of God are waiting for other people to do other responsibilities and help them endure the burden. As a leader if you will not utilize well the position you are given, you will die before your time because of tiredness.

In this chapter we continue to learn that you will never know everything and there will be other people who do better than you. You can destroy yourself for lack of knowledge and destroy others too. God wants us to make our service easy and simplify our work, don’t complicate things. God wants us to know how to share our responsibilities in one accord. If we do so we will reach where we want to reach.     

By Servant of God Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, Efatha Church.

Month of Prayer and Fasting
