Psalm 1:1Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,

Examine yourself, which group are you in? If God answers those who pray, why are you not getting answered, it means there is something wrong in your life. Search yourself and don’t wait for someone to do that for you. 

We come to church to discover ourselves as the word of God says faith comes by hearing, and God do not hear a person without faith. Faith doers are recognized by God. Before you say anything to God, ask yourself, am I in faith or have I left the faith long ago. Faith walks, and you can hold it by your actions.

When we understand who we are, God will know you. Without understanding yourself God will never understand you. God says you will be holy as I am, so this depends on you. You don’t need prayers but you need to walk on the word and become someone God wants you to be.

God still loves you despite all what you have done. Sanctify yourself today because obedience comes by hearing. There are three areas which are forbidden for the believers not to long for
  • To walk with ungodly
  • To stand with the sinners
  • To sit with the scornful
Allow God to sanctify your mind so that you may understand what is good and what is bad. When you pray the Lord’s Prayer you should ask yourself, have you recognize His name? Have you given Him what He need? Have you given Him His position in your life?

God deals with every one of us without us knowing it and He is still working on us to make us obedient and submissive to Him. We cannot know God if our minds are not sanctified and that is why we are in dilemma. The day your mind is cleansed and you know and understand God, is your great day.

To know God and make Him happy is the greatest exploit more than getting money and world fame. To have a great name is to have your name being written in the book of life in heaven, that is why I want you to make sure yours is there. Don’t focus on world for it has nothing to offer, don’t play with your life because you will die prematurely and you will miss what God wants you to be.

I pray that God gives you a way out for you to have a meaningful life while you are still strong. Samson discovered that he missed the meaning of his life while his eyes were taken out. It is good to please people but don’t wrong God and miss your mercies.

Apostle Jacob says, if anyone misses wisdom, let him pray and God will grant them. This means every believer must have wisdom. Wisdom makes you discover who you are. Without wisdom you cannot be perfect and you will always do in stupidity. You should know that you are not coming to church to worship, but to show yourself who you are and go worship God in your everyday life by living a life that pleases God.

God is searching for those who worship Him not in church but in your daily life, where there are challenges and every kind of situation. In church we are all worshipers, you will not fornicate in church, you will not beat your wife in church and do all other evil things, but it is outside the church where you may do those evil things and God wants to see you worship Him outside church. Your quality is measured in the street and not in church. 

You should know that you are not pleasing someone by showing yourself doing it right in church while doing the opposite outside, by doing so you are taking your honour before God.

©Servant of God Presiding Apostle Josephat Elias Mwingira, Efatha Church.
