FORGIVENESS is part of the Blessing and there is a kind of Blessing which goes hand in hand with Forgiveness. Forgiveness carries blessing, One with the ABILITY to Forgive is FORGIVEN by God, but if you are not forgiven, you CAN NOT forgive. You cannot give what you don’t have. You cannot go to Heaven if you cannot FORGIVE. This Grace comes when you have the FEAR OF THE LORD. It’s only a person with the Blessing of the Fear of God can have LOVE dwelling in them. 
Love is a Blessing, other Blessing are commanded to come once you have the Blessing of the FEAR OF God. The Blessing of SELF CONTROL is in the Blessing of the FEAR OF God.
Once you have the Blessing of the FEAR OF God, you can conquer all. The Spirit of the FEAR OF God, when it dwells in someone, it is when God declares to be with you all the time and anywhere.
We are no longer in honeymoon because we are growing. Come out of honeymoon and agree to grow SPIRITUALLY, so that the devil cannot play on you. Don’t go looking for Prayer.
© Servant of GOD Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira, EFATHA MINISTRY.
