KEEP IN YOUR MIND: "The devil DOES NOT have Ability nor Power, nor Authority over man; but he only gets power once a person accepts the PERSUASION of the devil. When the devil persuades you, he uses THOUGHTS or EDUCATION or MEDITATIONS and once a person accepts his persuasion, the devil transfers his residence to that person within his HEAD and later he goes down in the inner room which is the HEART. When the devil brings THOUGHTS in the head of someone, and once the person agrees; he builds A CAGE; meaning that he makes that head as his platform for war against GOD. He makes your head a platform for his army to make sure that whatever weapon that is brought to that person so that he/she may OBEY GOD, is beaten and is refused. For instance, I may tell a person that, "this is your year to succeed, blossom and your year to come out of poverty,.........." So if that person has a cage built in his/her head, that WORD will enter through the ears and get out....