About Us


Efatha Ministry was legally registered in 1997 by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania. Since then, the Ministry has successfully opened more than 200 congregations in Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar, with 15 churches In foreign countries such as Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Nigeria, United States, Burundi, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo and Pakistan.

We also succeeded in establishing the Ministry College (Efatha School of Ministry) which is located in the Precious Center – Kibaha Tanzania. Since 1999 until now many servants have graduated and manage our churches within and outside the country.

The ministry has succeeded in preaching the Gospels in and out of the world with great success where thousands of people have been healed and many have given their life to Jesus Christ after hearing the teaching and preaching of the anointing and excitement of the Power of the Holy Spirit. God uses his Servant Apostle and Prophet Josephat Elias Mwingira in a unique way, signs and wonders.

Efatha Church is a divine vision given to the Apostle and Prophet: Josephat Elias  from the Lord Jesus, this ministry is growing rapidly and has become the refuge of many especially discouraged ones. EFATHA CHURCH is established to handle the following responsibilities:–

  • Healing people from the bonds of various diseases and afflictions. When you reach Ephesus expect to be healed from your problem.
  • To set free people from the bonds of various diseases and afflictions. When you reach Ephesus expect to be healed from your problem.
  • Preparing the last church ready for the Rapture, Here is the right place if you have the hope of the Rapture of the Church.


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